Ducted Air Conditioning

Heating Your Home

Weather in Perth is changing and heating your home is very important. Because the weather patterns are changing. There are many different ways of heating your Perth home. When selecting the type of heating system you require for your home.

Cost of system

The cost of your heating system can vary quite a lot. Many different heating systems are available on the market. A lot of people don’t look at the big picture when purchasing something to heat there home. As an example, a lot of people buy little electric spot heaters. Firstly, in my opinion, they don’t work very well unless you are sitting right on them. The running cost is also very high.

Woodfire Pros and cons for heating your home

The wood fire is a great choice if you go and chop and collect your own firewood. Because a wood fire with a fan will eventually radiate warm air throughout your home. Heating your home as it goes. This can be assisted by other means also an example would be a ducted air transfer kit. The air transfer kit is a system which is mounted within in your roof. The system circulates the wasted warm air from the ceiling layer in the main room where the wood fire is placed.

Why I would not buy a woodfire

I would not recommend a wood fire if you are buying your firewood. The reason for this is the long term cost of running your system. I am speaking from personal experience having once had a wood fire. I was using around 5 ton a year paying at the time between $200 – $250 a ton. We made the decision to install a Panasonic ducted reverse cycle air conditioning system. Our heating costs went from $500 every 2 months down to $300.00. We also then had no more of the daily work that is associated with using a fire. Lighting, stacking, cleaning, etc. The ducted reverse cycle heats the whole of the home quickly.

Ducted gas heating

Ducted gas heating is another way for heat your home in Perth. Our winters in Perth are not extreme so the Gas heating is not very popular. Compare with ducted reverse cycle air conditioning it is a lot more expensive to run. There are other factors to take into consideration also. Because not all areas in Perth have natural gas such as the Perth hills. therefore the running costs would be even more running the system on lpg.

Room Air conditioners

The room air conditioner is great for heating and cooling a single room. The room air conditioner comes in limited sizes. We are starting to see less and less Room air conditioners nowadays. Because the split system air conditioner has taken its place. The main reason being is you do not have to cut a large hole in the wall anymore. Because the wall split only needs a small hole for your pipes and electrical to pass through.

Split system air conditioner

The split system air conditioner is very popular for heating your home. Because it is one of the cheapest forms of reverse cycle air conditioning. The system will heat and cool a room with ease any very effective also. The cost of a quality system full installed would be approximately $1250.00. The system can also be used for cooling the same room depending on the model selected.

Ducted Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning

Ducted reverse cycle air conditioning is my personal favourite. Simply because it heat and cools you whole of home. This system however is not within every ones budget. Ducted systems would start off at around $7000.00 fully install for a small home.

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